5 Women Products You Should Stop Using Immediately | Natural Beauty Tips for Women

5 Women Products You Should Stop Using Immediately
5 Women Products You Should Stop Using Immediately

In this articls we will discuss about 5 Women Products You Should Stop Using Immediately which are commanly used now days.

Women are born beautiful brilliant and brave Nature has favored them by making them physically healthier and bless them with a strong survival spirit. Yet many women feel that they are imperfect and try to hide their imperfects. Sometimes the methods or products women use to feel beautiful or perfect may cause serious side effects or lead to ills. In this adricle let us understand five products which women should stop using to maintain their naturally perfect health.

Here are the 5 Women Products You Should Stop Using Immediately

First: Avoid Using Skin Lightening Cream

Fairness skin creams, such creams usually contain harmful bleaching agents such as hydroquinols and metals like Mercury. These can cause long term damage to your skin and May also lead to serious side effects such as kidney or brain problem. From the health point of view there is no need to lighten your skin. How you define beauty is just a matter of perspective.

In stories from ancient India women such as Draupadi, where of that skin and were considered extremely beautiful what matters more is to keep your skin clean and glowing. For brightening your face you may use a simple face mask made with a mixture of 1 tbsp milk half tablespoon besan or gram flour and 2 teaspoon honey. This mixture can be applied on your face for 10 minutes and then rinse off with water. It is safe for them to be used daily for instant glow and even freshness.

Second: Avoid Using Under Wired Brass All Day Long

Underwired bras seem to offer more support to your breasts. But on the other hand they are also usually the main cause of pain and discomfort in the rib cage area. Long term use can cause tapping of your skin in that delicate area. Bras made from synthetic materials also add to the problem by trapping moisture which is caused by sweating throughout the day. This may lead to skin irritation and rashes. Choose non-wired brass made from natural breathable fabric which provide good support when you are at work all day.

Third: Avoid Using High Heels Shoes Every Day

High hold shoes are impractical because of its structure. They put more pressure on the knees and toes. They cause tension in your leg nerves and can lead to pain in the knees, along with knees even waist and back well. Very interestingly many women who have worked from home during the pandemic have now realized the disadvantages of wearing high heel all day and I’m now using more sensible footwear. It is best to choose footwear according to your purpose and even seasonal requirements.

Fourth: Avoid Using Intimate Wash Products

It is important to maintain pH level of vagina to prevent infection. Intimate what products contain strong chemicals which disturbs this balance and allow harmful bacterias to enter. This may cause problems such as severe itching or irritation and even chronic Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). It is best to wash vagina with water and wipe it dry completely. To moisturize that area and to keep it free of infection you may apply little coconut oil every day instead of any chemical or cream.

Fifth: Avoid Using Any Hair Dye

If you buy hair dye the packaging itself will tell you all about the potential allergic reaction. The chemicals in it may cause these allergies range from skin irritation to asthma attack. It could also lead to hair loss and weakening of your hair. Research also says that long-term use of hair dye may be lead to breast cancer risk. It is indeed good news that many women all around the world are now beautifully showing their soft silky silver hair. This shows a kind of confidence in accepting the truths about who you are and your kind natural look as you mature gracefully.

In yoga there is a concept called as Anity Bhavadas which encourages one to accept changes with objectivity indifference. This new attitude that women are developing in accepting their natural beauty deserves encouragement and appreciation. Thank You.

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