Dandruff is such a word which many know it very well they suffer from dandruff. And let me tell you more than 50 percent adult population all over the world suffers from dandruff. In this article I will share you the best home remedies for dandruff using with the curd as well.
This is such a disease it is a sickness. It is a sickness of calm. It is such a thing that the flakes they fall on you. Flakes on your forehead and you feel very terrible when you are with people around. People want to avoid wearing dark clothes, because on dark clothes Dandruff flakes are seen very clearly. So the whole psychology which is behind dandruff is the person doesn’t like dandruff person doesn’t want to be mixing with other people they want to avoid because that dandruff is bothering.
Well let me tell you for every problem there is always a solution and solution is there . But we have to understand first the causes of dandruff. Then I will share you the best proven home remedies for dandruff.
Dandruff is nothing else but fungus infection. The fungus is called as malasezia. This is the condition of skull and hair. The point is that we should understand that it is an infection. Tt is fungus and that fungus has to be removed and we should know how to deal with it. It is not a big problem but it is a problem which needs definitely attention. Because if attention is not given then, do you know what happens. Of course hair fall and along with it comes all the other problems like even pimples on face like acne, even past cells are formed, even boils are formed and person is not at all comfortable with all those things in the head.
So we will have to deal with it very seriously and we’ll have to see that we remove this definitely dandruff from its root. So we will tell you how to go about because of this dandruff person really feels scratchy and itchy all the time. It’s not a good feeling.
So now since I have told you about the cause. Let’s understand the other causes. So here comes first, is oily skin basically oily scalp and that is one of a very big cause. Second, when you feel oily you want to wash your hair very regularly, very frequently that’s how i watch people and which is so wrong that rather causes more damage to your hair. Third, tension and stress in any case. Fourth, weather changes and all that. Fifth is sweating, I have seen people they sweat from head downwards so badly that actually the sweat is as if flowing from the head down.
Well so now let us take help from all those natural things which are there around us to help us remove the dandruff nicely.
Lets have a look of Home remedies for dandruff.
- First is five to six hibiscus flowers. See that you take these hibiscus flowers and boil them with little water and then blend them to make a paste out of that then use oil. Coconut oil and with that make a paste. Oil should be warm so that it mixes very well. Now this paste we should apply on the skull. Nicely rub it apply it on the scalp and then leave it for one two and a half hour over there and then wash it with warm water. This hibiscus flower, coconut oil, this combination works wonders because it is rich in content of amino acid and vitamin c. This combination really helps to strengthen the roots.
- Another thing which would help tremendously is fenugreek seeds. So take some fenugreek seeds and have a yogurt. Put 2-3 leaves of curry and 2-3 little complete amlas. All these things should be mixed and mixed it so well blended it very well. And now this mixture we are supposed to apply on our head. It really comes that it goes so smoothly on your skull. Keep it staying for some time and then wash it well with warm water. Now this is a very good combination, because higher rich in vitamin c. Again it really would help strengthening roots. It would help removing the fungus and make your skin lubricated well because curd, yogurt is a very good moisturizer.
- Third mask would be a combination of lemon juice, yogurt and honey. All these three ingredients are so useful. Mix them and apply them on your head and keep it for some time and wash it out. Now this is observed that first of all lemon it just removes the dandruff very easily. Now the yogurt or curd will be rich in lactic acid lactobacillus enzyme it has and second is lemon which is citric acid and honey a beautiful moisturizer. This combination really helps removing dandruff well.
There are certain things which you should do to help yourself further.
- One is that people usually feel that dandruff means dry scalp so they apply oil. Now oil always spreads infection. Let me tell you, when there is an infection you should not put oil. But if you want to put oil because of some other reason, that you feel very relaxed and you feel very fresh then you can put oil. But remove that oil within one hour, don’t keep it for a longer time in your head.
- Second try and see that you pull your hair. That hair pulling is a very good exercise it really helps circulation till the root.
- Third take a thick comb and do the back combing. That back combing is a very good exercise for the hair. And so try and do that. See that you can use your finger also very often and move your fingers on your head to see that the flakes don’t stick to your scalp. And this is how when you help yourself it would really help you and your health.
Well so understand problem as a solution. I have given the solution. So there is nothing which should irritate your affect you because if mind is negative weak then nothing really works. So try and enthusiastically use all these things do all these things and you will be free from this dandruff.
Well so you will be surprised that how a key to so many problems lies around us in nature in our culture so take care.